The Integrity and Compliance Program of green4T companies was created to disseminate among employees a culture of integrity and ethics in business, as well as the Brazilian Anti-Corruption Law (Law No. 12.846/13), the US FCPA – Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, and/or any existing law or regulation that specifically addresses this matter of any country in which the company operates.The Board of Directors of green4T companies determines that our company be ethical, comply with the law, have their activities follow ethical values and principles, defend honesty and prevent any misconduct in their business at all times.This program is conducted by an independent Compliance and Internal Audit Board that follows the Code of Ethics, the Anti-Corruption Policy and other policies of the organization, evaluating risks and controls, identifying any misconduct, and communicating with and training employees and third-party intermediaries, so that they be aware and follow its guidelines. The program is supervised by the Ethics and Integrity Committee, which meets on a quarterly basis and is composed by four (4) members.We conduct timely compliance training, audits and monitoring to ensure compliance with the Code of Ethics and the Anti-Corruption Policy, and recommend corrective or punitive measures to the Ethics and Integrity Committee, when any non-compliance or misconduct on the part of our employees or third parties on behalf of green4T companies is identified.

Code of Ethics
The Code of Ethics is a commitment to the quality of our products and services. Quality in its full sense, involving not only what we do, but the way we do it.
All members of the company (management members, employees, interns, at all units, subsidiaries and associates of green4T companies, in Brazil and abroad) must comply with and enforce the provisions of this Code, and leaders are assigned the additional task of disseminating and ensuring their compliance in their respective departments.

Anti-corruption policy
green4T companies are committed to conducting their business lawfully, ethically, transparently and professionally.
This policy establishes guidelines, standards and procedures for the anti-corruption program so that green4T companies comply with the Brazilian Anti-Corruption Law (Law No. 12.846/2013, regulated by Federal Decree No. 8.420/2015), with the US FCPA – Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, and/or any existing law or regulation that specifically addresses this matter of any country in which the company operates.

Currently, green4T companies have active contracts with federal, state and municipal public administration agencies, as well as with private sector companies. These contracts are available on the transparency portal of the respective agencies and entities, thus showing our commitment with ethics, integrity and transparency in the public sector in order to strictly meet all the precepts of the legislation, especially the Anti-Corruption Law (Law No. 12.846/13), as well as regulations and legal obligations of government agencies.

Clean company
green4T companies are associated with Ethos Institute, sharing with it the mission of managing their business under Corporate Social Responsibility principles, and are signatories of the pact for integrity and against corruption called “Empresa Limpa” (Clean Company). Under this initiative, we have assumed the commitment to disseminate the Brazilian Anti-Corruption Law (Law No. 12.846/13) to employees, stakeholders and society at large, and we have the duty to fully comply with it, favoring lawfulness and transparency.
Pro-Ethics Company 2021
In 2021, we received from the Ministry of Transparency, Inspection and General Controllership of the Union (CGU) the seal of Pro-Ethics Company 2021, which recognized the efforts of 67 companies – out of 327 registered and 195 evaluated by a committee – that are committed to ethics, business integrity and for implementing measures aimed at the prevention, detection and remediation of acts of corruption and fraud.
ISO 37.001 Anti-Bribery Standard Certification
green4T is certified by the Anti-Bribery Standard ISO 37.001/17, which recognizes companies and organizations that support the fight against illicit acts through a culture of integrity, transparency, and compliance with applicable laws and regulations. The benefits of this certification include: minimizing the risk of bribery occurrence; demonstrating the implementation of an integrity program; increasing stakeholders’ confidence in the organization’s business; and generating a competitive advantage by demonstrating best practices in ethics and minimizing the risk of bribery occurrence in the company.