Shareholding Structure
green4T Participações S.A. (“green4T”) is a privately-held Brazilian corporation, wholly owned by 4T Ventures, Fundo de Investimento em Participações Multiestratégia (CNPJ/ME No. 28.398.439/0001-33), managed in accordance with its Regulation and the rules of the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) and of the Brazilian Association of Financial and Capital Markets Entities (ANBIMA). Our current corporate structure is shown in the organizational chart below:
green4T is managed by the Board of Directors and the Statutory Board.
The Board of Directors is the company’s highest governing body, which makes joint resolutions and is responsible for supervising the Officer’s management and for establishing the company’s general policies. The decisions of the Board of Directors are made by a majority vote of the members attending the meeting. According to our Articles of Incorporation, the Board of Directors has three (3) members elected by the general meeting for a unified term of three (3) years, with reelection permitted.
The Statutory Board is elected by the Board of Directors for a unified term of three (3) years and is composed by 1 (one) CEO and 1 (one) Director.